Monday, May 21, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Another day another flight
Picked up some city birds this morning.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
Colombia bound!
Here's a map of our destinations!
Monday, January 09, 2012
Up a Crazy River
location. Hemmed and hawed and today finally decided to try the Bogue
Chitto river at the state park. Got the boat loaded up (I'm getting
pretty good at that) and headed out. It's almost a 2 hour drive and I
was worried the rain might set in, but it held off. Checked in at the
gate. The girl actually laughed at me. I told her I was going to put
in and then turn around and head back -- make a loop, as it were. It's
what I usually do -- have done on other rivers. But apparently there's
a significant difference with this river -- it has a current. One of
the other rangers suggested I put in at the takeout so I could start
going upstream first and then essentially float back down if I got
tired. Sounded like a plan.
Had to drag the boat several hundred yards to put in. Not fun. And
they were not kidding about the current. But I got all my stuff and
started out, feeling strong. Did okay for the first quarter of a mile
or so. Then I hit a baby rapids. I paddled as hard as I could...and I
was just standing still. If I let up for a even a second, the current
pushed me backward. This was just not going to work. I enjoyed the
float back to the takeout :-)
So...lesson learned. Next time I need to either rent one of their boats
and and get a takeout, or take someone with me so we can take out down
river. Got it!
Oh, and birds? I had a great little flocks of warblers, Blue-birds, and
woodpeckers at one point, but my favorite bird of the day was the Winter
Wren that yawned at me. Yes, yawned. I saw him, played the Winter Wren
recording. He looked over at me and yawned. Allrighty then, so much
for that :-)
Sunday, January 08, 2012
An Eagle is born!
Saturday, January 07, 2012
I'm partial to redheads
Rare bird + lifer = good bird day!
I decided to try for the Scott's Oriole today. They reported that it had been seen at 8am today and that it seemed to come with some regularity in the mid-afternoon so I decided to go about 2pm. We were treated to a winter hummingbird spectacle while we waited on the Oriole - several Rufous and possible Black-chinned hummingbirds were snap, crackling, and popping all over the place. (This same home hosts a Broad-tailed Hummingbird -- another great bird for LA in the winter!) Another friend arrived to give the bird a try at about 3:45pm. At 4pm I decided I'd best go, and told them to call me if that bird showed up as I was pulling out of the driveway. I dawdled a bit talking to the homeowner and was not even out of the subdivision when they called to say they'd seen the bird! I zipped back. The bird was spied moving cautiously toward the hummingbird feeder at the back of the yard. It eyed everything suspiciously but finally drank from the feeder for something over a minute before it flitted away. I'm sure there are other photos are better than mine, but here's a video (from about 60 feet?) and a couple of stills.
Sunday, January 01, 2012
New Year's Resolution!
- My website:
- Kids Who Bird - bird club in BR,LA
- Baton Rouge Audubon Society
- 10,000 birds Blog Site
- Born Again Bird Watcher
- Hasty Brook Birding Blog
- Hawk Owl's Nest Birding Blog
- Bill of the Birds
- Jeff Gyr
- Lake Life
- Birders on the Border
- Leica Bird Blog
- Somewhere in NJ
- Susan Goes Native
- WildBird on the Fly
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Bird Cinema
- Jane's Garden Blog
- (great site for bird ID's)