Visited the Ramah-Maringuoin eagle nest this week and found the chick continuing to "flappercize" --stretching his wings in practice flying motions. The wind was so stiff we were worried a gust might take him right out of the nest before he's ready! There's not doubt he'll be leaving the nest soon. The parents are still very attentive, with one adult usually at or near the nest. One was even observed feeding the chick this week, though he is obviously able to eat on his own.

As an added bonus, we noticed TWO Bald Eagles down at the Capitol Lakes in downtown Baton Rouge this week! There have been eagle sightings at the Capitol and University lakes all winter, but this is, I believe, the first time two have been observed together. Seems very likely this pair might have a nest site close to downtown, but nothing has been reported (to my knowledge). I was able to set up my scope in our office building and let people look at the eagles -- for many, it was the first time to see an eagle "in person"!