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I set up my Novabird Birdcam to watch the suet feeder for the past couple of days. I thought I knew which birds were eating the suet, but it was interesting to catch them in action. By far, the most common bird on the feeder was the Downy Woodpecker, both male and female. And there may be young'uns in there too as I saw them feeding fledglings just this week.

In this one I actually got a two-fer. I'd bet it's an adult and a juvie.
The Downies seemed to be the only birds that will share with other species. The Carolina Wren would dare to venture a bite when the Downy was on the feeder.

Got some neat shots of the The Red-bellied Woodpeckers too -- Daddy, Momma, and Junior! He looks like a Bald-Headed Woodpecker!

In this last one, you can actually see how the Red-Bellied WP got its name -- although it's still stupid! They should have called him the Red Mohawk Woodpecker, don't you think??

My Woodpecker entourage would not be complete without the Red-headed Woodpeckers! Aren't they great? Can you tell which one's the female and which is the male?

Yeah, I have no idea which is which :-P They might both be the same bird! If you said the female is the one with her mouth full -- shame on you!
The Creepy Grackles like the suet, too. If only they weren't so darn, well, creepy!

What are YOU lookin' at??

The House Sparrows are steady visitors -- often in pairs. These may be adults and juvies too, come to think of it.

And then the Daddy HOSP.

The Mockingbirds are feeding their babies too -- noisy, raspy little buggers.

But this guy was a surprise on the suet feeder! I didn't know Blue Jays cared anything about suet.

meep-n-meep-n-meep...That's all Folks!

I set up my Novabird Birdcam to watch the suet feeder for the past couple of days. I thought I knew which birds were eating the suet, but it was interesting to catch them in action. By far, the most common bird on the feeder was the Downy Woodpecker, both male and female. And there may be young'uns in there too as I saw them feeding fledglings just this week.
In this one I actually got a two-fer. I'd bet it's an adult and a juvie.
The Downies seemed to be the only birds that will share with other species. The Carolina Wren would dare to venture a bite when the Downy was on the feeder.
Got some neat shots of the The Red-bellied Woodpeckers too -- Daddy, Momma, and Junior! He looks like a Bald-Headed Woodpecker!
In this last one, you can actually see how the Red-Bellied WP got its name -- although it's still stupid! They should have called him the Red Mohawk Woodpecker, don't you think??
My Woodpecker entourage would not be complete without the Red-headed Woodpeckers! Aren't they great? Can you tell which one's the female and which is the male?
Yeah, I have no idea which is which :-P They might both be the same bird! If you said the female is the one with her mouth full -- shame on you!
The Creepy Grackles like the suet, too. If only they weren't so darn, well, creepy!
What are YOU lookin' at??
The House Sparrows are steady visitors -- often in pairs. These may be adults and juvies too, come to think of it.
And then the Daddy HOSP.
The Mockingbirds are feeding their babies too -- noisy, raspy little buggers.
But this guy was a surprise on the suet feeder! I didn't know Blue Jays cared anything about suet.
meep-n-meep-n-meep...That's all Folks!